
Periodic deworming will help your pet stay healthy and prevent parasite-related illnesses.

Health is an investment you’ll never regret. When you deworm your pet, you invest in their overall health and wellbeing. If left untreated, parasites can cause serious harm to your pet’s health. Building up their immune system can prevent parasites from compromising your pet’s internal systems. To schedule an appointment to get your pet dewormed, please call us at 250-828-2939.

Why should I deworm my pet?

Deworming your pet is the easiest way to protect them from pests and harmful diseases. All you have to do is stay on top of your pet’s routine checkups and parasite prevention plans. We’ll take care of the rest. For puppies and kittens, we highly recommend deworming them every 2 weeks until they are 3-months-old. From there, our veterinarians will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your pet’s unique medical, lifestyle, and environmental risks and needs.

How do I know if my pet needs to be dewormed?

Noticing if your pet has a worm infestation is not as simple as one would think. Some pets show no symptoms, while others are masters at masking their discomfort. That is why we recommend regular checkups so we can prevent or treat any symptoms your pet may be experiencing early on before they cause any severe damage. Some signs to look out for that your pet may exhibit are:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach bloating
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody or soft stool
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