
Regular grooming is essential for keeping your pet happy and healthy.

Grooming your loyal companion is more than just a cosmetic fix. Prioritizing their hygiene is just as important as taking care of their internal health. Our team is here to pamper your pet so they can look just as good on the outside as they feel on the inside. To have your pet groomed, call us
at 250-828-2939.

Why is grooming important for my pet’s health?

Through routine grooming, our team can watch for any changes to your pet’s skin and fur, which can be a tell-tale sign of an underlying condition. If left uncleaned, dirt, dead hair, and pests could build up and cause infections or inflammation. This technique helps your furry companion always feel their best.

How can I set up an appointment?

If you would like to book an appointment or learn more about our grooming services and current rates, please don’t hesitate to call us at 250-828-2939. Our team would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have so we can get your pet looking and feeling their best.

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